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Kaleidoscope: Women of Color Reflecting on Life
A new book from Esther Books, a division of Esther Productions Inc.
“Kaleidoscope is a particularly accurate name for this group,” write award-winning author Joy Jones in her introduction. “A kaleidoscope is made of cracker and jagged pieces of glass…It is these broken edges that allow us to see something beautiful and new.
“Experience this poetic kaleidoscope and be transformed.”
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Kaleidoscope: Women of Color Reflecting on Life
"At last, we can grasp the long-lasting effects of father absence through the voices of confident and powerful teen girls," writes community advocate Ana Acevedo.
In this groundbreaking book, published by Esther Productions Inc. Books, two dozen girls ages 14 through 17 tell their personal stories about the impact of father absence on their lives. Some never met their fathers. Others met them only briefly, leaving an unpleasant experience forever locked in their memories. Still others had relationships with their fathers, but they faded because their fathers were not quite ready for the responsibilities of parenting. In some cases, their fathers were deported or sent off to jail somewhere never to return.
“The essays [in the book], filled with sadness, confusion, anger and longing—always longing—gave me a sense of déjà vu. I had been where the essay writers were. I had experienced similar pain and anxiety born of father absence,” writes jonetta rose barras, author of bestselling book Whatever Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl? The Impact of Fatherlessness on Black Women”
Excerpts from Discovering Me…Without You: Teen Girls Speak About Father Absence.
“On a beautiful , sunny day, we were on our way to la cancha to watch my father play soccer with his friends...Suddenly, out of nowhere, we hear sirens. I looked through the rearview mirror and noticed that my father looked like he knew what was about to happen…” – Kayla Cabeza-Reyes
“Growing up without a father figure made things hard on me, but also my mother who was forced to raise five children on her own while only ever receiving help from Section 8, monthly food stamps, child support (on the rare occasions that it was actually paid). There were times when I would come home and find eviction notices taped to the chipped paint on the front door of whatever apartment we happened to be living [in] at the time.” – Empress Swift
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Esther Productions Inc. Is Honored to Present Abstract Paintings by Afrika Abney